Jumat, 01 Januari 2021

InCITE 2021

Faculty of Engineering, University of Surabaya (UBAYA) organizes the 3rd biannual International Conference on Informatics, Technology, and Engineering 2021 (InCITE 2021), which will be held online on August 25-26, 2021.

"Leveraging Smart Engineering"


InCITE 2021 presents "Leveraging Smart Engineering" as its central theme. In response to several world challenges, such as sustainable development, global convergence of information and communications technologies, along with smart systems as opportunities as well as challenges in developments for better industries, it is considered important to discover innovative approaches from science and engineering perspectives. Innovation suggests the introduction of novelty to create better solutions. Innovation in engineering and science requires contributions from multidisciplinary sectors, involving industries, practitioners, researchers, and academics. Thus, InCITE 2021 invites researchers, industries, practitioners, students, lecturers from Science and Engineering fields to contribute their papers and works to be presented at our forthcoming conference.


All accepted papers from InCITE 2021 will be published in IOP Conference Series Scopus-Indexed Proceedings: Materials Science and Engineering or Jurnal Teknik Industri (JTI) Universitas Kristen Petra. For this purpose, we already have a written contract (Memorandum of Agreement) with IOP and JTI.


Smart Design and Innovation
1. New Product & Service Innovation
2. Human Factors Engineering
3. CAD/CAM/CAE Integration Technology
4. Green Design
5. Engineering Management

Smart Manufacturing and Processes
1. Manufacturing & Production Processes
2. Electronics & Control Systems
3. Quality & Reliability Engineering
4. Logistics & Supply Chain Engineering
5. Green Manufacturing
6. Food Processing Technology

Power System and Smart Energy Management
1. Materials Science & Technology
2. Power Systems & Energy Engineering
3. Applied Technology for Sustainable Development in Energy
4. Bioenergy
5. Environmental Science & Technology

The Role of IT in Innovation Enhancement
1. Information & Communication Technology
2. Multimedia
3. Big Data Analysis & Information Retrieval
4. Artificial Intelligence
5. E-Business
6. Internet of Things
7. Cryptography and Security


InCITE 2021

Faculty of Engineering, University of Surabaya (UBAYA) organizes the  3rd biannual International Conference on Informatics, Technology, and ...